Enabling and Configuring firewalld on AlmaLinux 9 and RockyLinux 9

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Enabling and Configuring firewalld on AlmaLinux 9 and RockyLinux 9.

Introduction to firewalld

Firewalld is a dynamic firewall management tool that provides enhanced security for Linux systems. It offers a user-friendly way to manage firewall rules, making it an essential component for system administrators and users concerned about network security. The tool is designed to simplify the configuration of firewall settings and to provide a more flexible solution compared to traditional firewall utilities like iptables.

One of the significant advantages of firewalld is its ability to manage rules dynamically without needing to restart the firewall service. This dynamic management allows for real-time adjustments to firewall settings, ensuring that the system remains secure even as network requirements change. Firewalld’s architecture is based on the concept of zones, which are predefined sets of rules that can be applied to network interfaces or connections. This zoning system helps in categorizing and managing different levels of trust and security for various network segments.

Firewalld also supports rich rules, which provide a more granular level of control over firewall settings. These rules allow for complex configurations that can match specific criteria, such as source addresses, ports, or protocols. Additionally, firewalld includes a predefined set of services that can be easily enabled or disabled, streamlining the process of configuring the firewall for common applications and services.

Compatibility is a key feature of firewalld, making it suitable for use in a wide range of Linux distributions, including AlmaLinux 9 and RockyLinux 9. Both of these distributions are known for their stability and performance, making them ideal candidates for implementing firewalld. By leveraging the capabilities of firewalld, users can ensure that their systems are protected by a robust and versatile firewall solution.

Prerequisites and Installation

Before delving into the installation of firewalld on AlmaLinux 9 and RockyLinux 9, it is imperative to ensure your system meets the necessary prerequisites. Firstly, your operating system should be up-to-date. This can be achieved by running the following command:

sudo dnf update -y

Having an updated system not only ensures compatibility but also incorporates the latest security patches, which are crucial for maintaining a secure environment. Additionally, you need to have root or sudo access to execute the commands required for the installation and configuration of firewalld. If you do not have these privileges, you will need to contact your system administrator to grant the necessary permissions.

Firewalld also has dependencies that must be satisfied. Generally, these dependencies are handled automatically by the package manager, but it is useful to be aware of them. Essential libraries such as iptables are usually required and are typically bundled with the installation package.

Once the prerequisites are confirmed, the next step is to install firewalld. On AlmaLinux 9 and RockyLinux 9, the firewalld package can be installed using the YUM or DNF package manager. The DNF package manager is the default on these systems and can be used as follows:

sudo dnf install firewalld -y

This command will download and install firewalld along with any necessary dependencies. If you prefer to use YUM, the command is similar:

sudo yum install firewalld -y

After the installation completes, it is advisable to enable firewalld to start at boot and then start the service. This can be achieved with the following commands:

sudo systemctl enable firewalld
sudo systemctl start firewalld

With these steps, firewalld is now installed and running on your AlmaLinux 9 or RockyLinux 9 system, ready to be configured according to your security requirements.

Starting and Enabling firewalld

Firewalld is a powerful and flexible firewall management tool used for controlling network traffic on AlmaLinux 9 and RockyLinux 9. To ensure your system is protected from unauthorized access, you need to start and enable the firewalld service. This section will walk you through the necessary steps using systemctl commands.

First, to start the firewalld service, open your terminal and execute the following command:

sudo systemctl start firewalld

This command initiates the firewalld service, allowing it to begin managing network traffic according to the predefined rules and zones. Once started, it is crucial to verify that the service is running properly. To check the status of firewalld, use the command:

sudo systemctl status firewalld

The output should indicate that the service is active and running. If any issues are detected, the status command will also provide useful information for troubleshooting.

Next, to ensure that firewalld starts automatically at system boot, you need to enable the service. This can be done with the following command:

sudo systemctl enable firewalld

Enabling the service guarantees that your firewall settings are enforced every time your system is restarted, providing continuous network protection. To confirm that firewalld is enabled, you can run:

sudo systemctl is-enabled firewalld

The output should return “enabled,” indicating that firewalld will start automatically at boot time. With these steps completed, you have successfully started and enabled the firewalld service on your AlmaLinux 9 or RockyLinux 9 system, ensuring robust security management for your network.

Firewalld uses zones to manage incoming and outgoing traffic, providing a flexible way to define the level of trust for network connections. Each zone in firewalld is essentially a set of rules that determine which traffic is allowed to flow through your network interfaces. By assigning network interfaces to different zones, you can easily control the security level applied to each interface.

Zones in firewalld come with predefined settings, but they can also be customized to suit specific security requirements. The default configurations for these zones provide a starting point for securing your network connections. For example, the ‘public’ zone is designed for untrusted networks, allowing only essential services like DHCP and SSH, while the ‘private’ zone is meant for more secure environments, permitting additional services like Samba and CUPS.

One of the key benefits of using zones is the ability to manage different trust levels across various network interfaces. For instance, you might assign the ‘public’ zone to a Wi-Fi interface connected to a public hotspot, while assigning the ‘trusted’ zone to an interface connected to your internal network. This granularity ensures that each network interface is protected according to its trust level.

Common zones in firewalld include:


The ‘public’ zone is for use in public areas where you do not trust other computers on the network. By default, it allows only basic services like DHCP and SSH, providing a high level of security.


The ‘private’ zone is intended for use in more trusted environments, such as home or office networks. It permits additional services like Samba and CUPS, making it suitable for sharing resources within a trusted network.


The ‘trusted’ zone allows all incoming network connections, making it the least secure. It is typically used for networks where security is not a concern, such as isolated test environments or fully trusted internal networks.

By understanding and effectively utilizing these zones, administrators can ensure that firewalld provides a tailored security solution that meets the specific needs of their network environments.

Configuring Zones and Services

Firewalld uses zones to manage the trust level of network connections. Each zone can be configured with specific services and rules, allowing administrators to fine-tune security policies. Configuring zones and services in AlmaLinux 9 and RockyLinux 9 involves adding, modifying, or removing services to meet the specific needs of your environment. Below, we will go through the essential steps to achieve this.

First, you can check the available zones using the following command:

firewall-cmd --get-zones

Let’s say you want to add the HTTP service to the public zone. You can achieve this with:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http

To make this change persistent across reboots, include the --permanent flag:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent

After adding a service, it’s crucial to reload the firewall to apply the changes:

firewall-cmd --reload

firewall-cmd --reload

Similarly, you can remove a service from a zone. For instance, to remove the HTTP service from the public zone, use:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-service=http

And to make this change permanent:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-service=http --permanent

Firewalld also allows for custom zones, which can be useful for specialized configurations. To create a new zone named “myzone” and add the SSH service to it, you would use:

firewall-cmd --new-zone=myzone --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=myzone --add-service=ssh --permanent

Don’t forget to reload the firewall to activate your changes:

firewall-cmd --reload

After configuring your zones and services, you can verify the current settings with:

firewall-cmd --list-all --zone=public

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and customize your firewalld zones and services on AlmaLinux 9 and RockyLinux 9, ensuring that your network security policies are both robust and tailored to your specific requirements.

Advanced Configuration with Rich Rules

Rich rules in firewalld offer an advanced level of control over firewall settings, enabling system administrators to define complex and detailed network security policies. These rules allow for a more granular approach compared to the basic zone and service-based configurations, giving you the ability to specify precise conditions under which certain actions are taken.

The syntax and structure of rich rules are designed to be both flexible and comprehensive. A typical rich rule consists of an action, a source, a destination, and optional conditions such as ports, protocols, and interfaces. The general format for a rich rule is as follows:

rule family="ipv4|ipv6" source address="IP/CIDR" destination address="IP/CIDR" service name="service-name" log prefix="log-prefix" accept|reject|drop

To create and manage rich rules in firewalld, the firewall-cmd command is used. Below are some examples demonstrating how to apply rich rules for advanced network configurations:

1. **Allow traffic from a specific IP address to access a certain service:**

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" service name="https" accept'

2. **Reject traffic from a specific subnet:**

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" reject'

3. **Log and drop packets from a particular IP range:**

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" log prefix="DROP_LOG" drop'

4. **Allow traffic on a specific port only if it originates from a certain interface:**

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" port port="8080" protocol="tcp" accept'

After adding or modifying rich rules, reload firewalld to apply the changes:

firewall-cmd --reload

Rich rules provide a powerful means to tailor your network security policies to match your specific needs. By mastering the use of these rules, you can effectively enhance the protection of your systems running AlmaLinux 9 and RockyLinux 9.

Testing and Troubleshooting

After enabling and configuring firewalld on AlmaLinux 9 or RockyLinux 9, it is crucial to test and validate the setup to ensure it operates as intended. Begin by checking the status of firewalld using the command:

sudo systemctl status firewalld

This command provides an overview of the service’s current state, allowing you to verify if it is active and running without issues. If the service status indicates problems, the logs will often contain valuable diagnostic information. To access these logs, use:

sudo journalctl -u firewalld

For basic connectivity testing, you can employ the ping command to ensure that the firewall allows traffic as configured. For example:

ping -c 4 example.com

Additionally, testing specific ports is crucial. Utilize tools such as nc (netcat) or telnet to check if certain ports are open or blocked according to your rules. For instance:

nc -zv example.com 80

If you encounter issues, several common problems might be at play. For instance, incorrect zone settings can often lead to unexpected behavior. Verify the active zones and associated interfaces with:

sudo firewall-cmd --get-active-zones

Misconfigured rules can also present challenges. Review the current rules with:

sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

If a specific rule is not functioning as expected, try reloading firewalld to ensure all configurations are applied correctly:

sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Finally, if you need to reset to default settings due to extensive misconfigurations, execute:

sudo firewall-cmd --complete-reload

Through these testing and troubleshooting methodologies, you can ensure that your firewalld setup on AlmaLinux 9 or RockyLinux 9 is functioning correctly, providing robust security for your system.

Best Practices and Security Tips

Ensuring robust security when managing firewalld on AlmaLinux 9 and RockyLinux 9 requires adherence to several best practices. A fundamental step is regularly updating your firewall rules. This helps mitigate vulnerabilities that may arise from outdated configurations. Regularly reviewing and updating the rules ensures that only the necessary services are allowed, minimizing potential attack vectors.

Monitoring for unauthorized changes is another critical aspect of maintaining a secure system environment. Implementing an auditing mechanism to log and track changes to firewall rules can help detect any unauthorized modifications. Tools such as auditd or system log analysis can be utilized to monitor these changes, providing an additional layer of security.

Maintaining a secure system environment also involves ensuring that your operating system and all software are up-to-date. Regularly applying patches and updates can address security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. Additionally, configuring your firewall to block all incoming traffic by default and only allowing specific, necessary ports and services can significantly enhance security.

Documentation plays a crucial role in the management of firewalld. Keeping detailed records of your firewall configurations, including the purpose of each rule, can aid in troubleshooting and ensure that changes are made methodically. Proper documentation also facilitates knowledge transfer and consistency, especially in teams managing multiple systems.

Backing up firewall configurations is equally important. Regular backups ensure that you can quickly restore your firewall settings in case of accidental changes or system failures. Automated backup solutions can be set up to ensure that configurations are saved periodically, reducing the risk of data loss.

By following these best practices and security tips, administrators can maintain a secure and efficient firewall configuration on both AlmaLinux 9 and RockyLinux 9, thereby safeguarding their systems against potential threats.

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