How to Install Samba Server on AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9

17 Min Read

Introduction before Install Samba Server

Samba Server is an open-source software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients, including those running Linux, Windows, and macOS. Originating from the Unix world, Samba enables interoperability between different operating systems, allowing them to share files and printers over a network. This functionality is particularly advantageous for heterogeneous environments where diverse systems need to communicate and share resources efficiently.

One of the primary benefits of Samba Server is its ability to bridge the gap between Linux and Windows systems. By implementing the SMB/CIFS protocol, Samba makes it possible for these otherwise incompatible systems to share files and printers with ease. This cross-platform compatibility is crucial for both home and enterprise environments where mixed operating systems are prevalent. In a home setting, Samba can facilitate the sharing of multimedia files, documents, and printers among various devices, enhancing the overall user experience.

In enterprise environments, Samba Server plays a critical role in maintaining efficient workflow and resource management. Organizations often have a mix of Windows desktops and Linux servers, and Samba allows these systems to integrate seamlessly. Users can access shared folders and printers without the need for additional software or complex configurations. Furthermore, Samba supports advanced features such as Active Directory integration, which enhances security and simplifies user authentication and management.

In essence, Samba Server is a versatile tool that enhances connectivity and resource sharing across different operating systems. Its open-source nature means it is continually updated and improved by a community of developers, ensuring robust performance and security. Whether in a small home network or a large enterprise setting, Samba provides a reliable solution for sharing files and printers, making it an indispensable component in modern networked environments.


Before installing Samba Server on AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9, it is essential to ensure that your system meets certain prerequisites. A robust understanding of the necessary hardware, software dependencies, and user permissions is vital for a smooth installation process.

Firstly, verify that your hardware meets the minimum requirements. Typically, a server with at least 1 GB of RAM and adequate disk space for file sharing purposes should suffice. However, more demanding environments may require higher specifications, particularly regarding storage capacity and network speed.

Next, ensure that your operating system is up to date. This can be achieved by running the following commands in the terminal:

sudo dnf update -y

Updating your system ensures that all existing packages are current, which can prevent compatibility issues during the Samba Server installation.

Additionally, certain software dependencies are necessary. Install the essential packages by executing:

sudo dnf install -y samba samba-client

This command installs both the Samba Server and the Samba client, which are critical for the server’s functionality and for accessing shared files from remote systems.

Permission-wise, administrative (root) access is required to perform these installations and configurations. Ensure that you have the appropriate user permissions to execute commands with sudo privileges.

Lastly, some preliminary configuration steps are advisable. Begin by enabling the firewall to allow Samba traffic. Execute the following commands to open the necessary ports:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=samba
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

These steps ensure that your firewall settings allow Samba traffic, which is crucial for networked file sharing.

With these prerequisites addressed, you are now prepared to proceed with the Samba Server installation on AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9, ensuring a seamless setup process.

Installing Samba Server

To begin the installation of Samba Server on AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9, you will need to have superuser privileges. This ensures that you have the necessary permissions to install software packages and make configuration changes. Start by updating your system repositories to ensure you have the latest package information:

sudo dnf update

This command updates all installed packages to their latest versions, making sure your system is up-to-date. Once the system update is complete, you can proceed with installing the Samba Server package:

sudo dnf install samba

The above command installs Samba along with its dependencies. The `dnf` package manager will handle the download and installation process. After the installation completes, it is important to start and enable the Samba service, so it starts automatically on boot:

sudo systemctl start smb
sudo systemctl enable smb

The first command starts the Samba service immediately, while the second command ensures that the Samba service will start automatically every time the system boots. To verify that the Samba service is running correctly, you can use the following command:

sudo systemctl status smb

This command provides a status report of the Samba service, showing whether it is active and running without issues. If any errors are reported, refer to the system logs for more detailed information.

After ensuring that the Samba service is running correctly, it is essential to adjust the firewall settings to allow Samba traffic. Use the following commands to add Samba services to the firewall rules:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=samba
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

The first command adds the Samba service to the firewall’s permanent rules, while the second command reloads the firewall to apply the changes. With these steps completed, you have successfully installed and configured the Samba Server on AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9. This setup allows file sharing across different operating systems within the same network.

Configuring Samba Server

After successfully installing the Samba Server on AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9, the next crucial step is configuring it to meet your specific needs. The primary configuration file for Samba is smb.conf, typically located in the /etc/samba/ directory. This file controls various aspects of Samba’s behavior, including shared directories and access permissions.

To begin, open the smb.conf file using a text editor of your choice, such as nano or vi:

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

In the smb.conf file, you will notice several sections, but the most critical ones for basic configuration are [global] and [share]. The [global] section contains settings that apply globally to the Samba server, while the [share] section defines specific shared resources.

In the [global] section, you may configure the following common settings:

workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = Samba Server %v
netbios name = samba

The workgroup parameter sets the Windows workgroup name. The server string parameter provides a description of the server, and netbios name allows you to specify the NetBIOS name for the server.

Next, define a shared directory in the [share] section. For example, to share a directory named shared located in /srv/samba/, you can add the following configuration:

path = /srv/samba/shared
browsable = yes
writable = yes
guest ok = no
valid users = @smbgroup

Here, path specifies the directory to be shared, browsable allows the share to be visible in network browsers, and writable enables write access. Setting guest ok to no restricts guest access, and valid users specifies allowed users or groups.

Ensure to create the shared directory and set appropriate permissions:

sudo mkdir -p /srv/samba/shared
sudo chown -R :smbgroup /srv/samba/shared
sudo chmod -R 2770 /srv/samba/shared

After making these changes, restart the Samba service to apply the new configuration:

sudo systemctl restart smb nmb

With these configurations, your Samba server should be effectively set up to share directories with defined access permissions, tailored to your specific requirements.

Creating Samba Users

Creating and managing Samba users is a crucial step in setting up a Samba server on AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9. Proper user management ensures that shared resources are accessible only to authorized individuals, maintaining both security and efficiency.

To add a new Samba user, you first need to ensure that the user exists on the system. You can create a new system user using the following command:

sudo useradd -m <username>

Next, set a password for the new user:

sudo passwd <username>

Once the system user is created, the next step is to add the user to the Samba database. This is done using the smbpasswd command:

sudo smbpasswd -a <username>

You will be prompted to enter and confirm a password for the Samba user. This password can be different from the system user password, providing an additional layer of security.

To manage existing Samba users, you can use the smbpasswd command with different options. For example, to disable a Samba user, use:

sudo smbpasswd -d <username>

To re-enable the user, use:

sudo smbpasswd -e <username>

User permissions play a vital role in securing shared resources. You can assign appropriate permissions by configuring the smb.conf file, typically located in /etc/samba/. Here, you can specify which users or groups have access to specific shared directories. For instance:


path = /srv/samba/shared_folder

valid users = <username>

Best practices for user management include regularly updating passwords, monitoring user activity, and removing obsolete users from the system to prevent unauthorized access. Proper user management not only enhances security but also helps in maintaining an organized and efficient Samba server environment.

Testing Samba Configuration

After configuring your Samba Server, it is crucial to test the setup to ensure it is functioning correctly. Proper testing involves verifying that the server is running, examining log files for any errors, and testing access from both Linux and Windows clients.

First, verify that the Samba Server is running. You can check the status of the Samba services by running the following commands:

sudo systemctl status smb
sudo systemctl status nmb

These commands will display the current status of the Samba services. Both services should be active and running. If they are not, you may need to start them using:

sudo systemctl start smb
sudo systemctl start nmb

Next, examine the log files for any errors. The Samba logs can provide valuable insight into any issues that may arise. You can find the logs in the following directory:


Check the log.smbd and log.nmbd files for any error messages or warnings. Address any issues noted in the logs by adjusting your configuration files accordingly.

Once you have verified that the Samba services are running and there are no errors in the logs, proceed to test access from a Linux client. Use the following command to list the shared directories:

smbclient -L <your-server-ip> -U <your-username>

Replace <your-server-ip> with the IP address of your server and <your-username> with your Samba username. You should see a list of shared directories if the configuration is correct.

To test access from a Windows client, open the Run dialog by pressing Win + R and enter:


Again, replace <your-server-ip> with your server’s IP address. You should be able to see the shared directories and access them if the configuration is correct.

If you encounter any issues, common troubleshooting steps include checking firewall settings to ensure that ports 137, 138, 139, and 445 are open, verifying the correctness of your configuration files, and ensuring that your user credentials are correctly set up in the Samba password database.

Securing Samba Server

Securing a Samba Server is a critical step to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your file-sharing services. Implementing robust security measures helps protect against unauthorized access and potential vulnerabilities. This section will outline several best practices to enhance the security of your Samba Server on AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9.

Firstly, configuring firewall rules is essential. Firewalls act as a barrier between your server and potential threats. On AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9, you can use the `firewalld` service to manage your firewall rules. Ensure that you only open the necessary ports for Samba (typically ports 137-139 and 445). Use the following commands to add these rules:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=samba
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Next, enabling encrypted connections is paramount for secure data transmission. Samba supports encrypted connections via the SMB3 protocol. Edit the Samba configuration file (`/etc/samba/smb.conf`) and include the following settings to enforce encryption:

server signing = mandatory
client signing = mandatory
server min protocol = SMB3

Additionally, setting up secure user authentication methods is crucial. Samba can integrate with various authentication systems, including local UNIX accounts and Active Directory. Ensure that you use strong passwords and consider implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) if possible. To manage Samba users, use the `smbpasswd` command:

sudo smbpasswd -a username

Regular updates and monitoring are also vital components of server security. Always keep your Samba Server updated to the latest version to benefit from security patches and new features. You can update Samba using the package manager:

sudo dnf update samba

Finally, regularly monitor your security logs for any unusual activities. Samba logs can be found in `/var/log/samba/`. Set up automated alerts for any suspicious log entries to promptly address potential security issues.

Conclusion and Additional Resources

In this guide, we meticulously navigated through the steps required to install and configure a Samba Server on AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9. By following the outlined procedures, users can effectively set up a robust file-sharing environment that bridges Windows and Unix-like systems. This seamless interoperability is crucial for diverse organizational needs, enhancing collaborative workflows and resource accessibility.

Regular maintenance and timely updates are paramount in ensuring the security and efficiency of a Samba Server. Keeping the system updated with the latest patches and upgrades helps mitigate vulnerabilities and enhances overall performance. It is advisable to monitor the server regularly, checking logs and addressing any issues promptly to maintain optimal functionality.

For users seeking to delve deeper into Samba Server configurations or troubleshooting, numerous additional resources are available. The official Samba documentation is an invaluable asset, offering comprehensive guides and detailed explanations. Community forums, such as those on AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux websites, provide platforms for users to share experiences, solutions, and tips. Additionally, various online tutorials and tools can facilitate advanced configurations and performance tuning.

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