How to Set or Change Hostname in a Linux System

9 Min Read

Introduction to Set or Change Hostname in a Linux System

In the realm of Linux systems, a hostname serves as a pivotal component for network identification. Essentially, a hostname is a label assigned to a device connected to a network, which uniquely identifies it among other devices. Properly managing hostnames is crucial for both administrative tasks and for ensuring seamless communication within a network.

There are three primary types of hostnames in Linux systems: static, transient, and pretty. A static hostname is the traditional and most commonly used type, which is stored in the system’s configuration files and persists across reboots. A transient hostname is usually assigned by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or a similar service and can change during the system’s operation. Lastly, a pretty hostname is a more user-friendly version, allowing for the inclusion of special characters and spaces, making it suitable for display purposes but not intended for functional use in networking.

The importance of a hostname cannot be overstated, as it plays a vital role in numerous networking tasks, such as accessing files, managing devices, and configuring services. For instance, during initial system setup, assigning an appropriate hostname is essential to ensure proper network integration. Similarly, when network configurations undergo changes or during rebranding initiatives, updating the hostname becomes necessary to reflect the new identity of the device.

Understanding the significance of hostnames and their types empowers administrators to make informed decisions about managing network identities effectively. By carefully setting and modifying hostnames as needed, one can maintain an organized and efficient network environment, ultimately contributing to the overall stability and performance of the Linux system.

Checking the Current Hostname

Understanding the current hostname of your Linux system is a fundamental step before making any changes. The hostname is crucial as it identifies your device within a network. There are several methods to check the current hostname, each offering different levels of detail.

The simplest method is using the hostname command. Open your terminal and type:


This command will return the current hostname of your system. It is a straightforward way to quickly ascertain the hostname.

For more detailed information, you can use the hostnamectl command. This utility not only shows the hostname but also provides additional details about the system’s status. Execute the following in your terminal:


The output will include information such as the static hostname, pretty hostname, and other relevant metadata. This is particularly useful when you need a comprehensive overview of your system’s network identity.

Another method involves directly viewing the /etc/hostname file, which stores the static hostname. You can open this file with any text editor, or simply use the cat command to display its contents:

cat /etc/hostname

This method is beneficial for those who prefer dealing with configuration files directly. It provides a clear and unambiguous way to check the hostname.

Potential issues might arise if the hostname is not set correctly or if there are conflicts within the network. Common problems include hostname resolution errors and discrepancies between static and transient hostnames. To troubleshoot, ensure that your hostname is unique within the network and that the /etc/hosts file is correctly configured.

By following these steps, you can effectively check and verify the current hostname of your Linux system, setting the stage for any necessary changes or configurations.

Changing the Hostname Temporarily

Changing the hostname temporarily in a Linux system can be particularly useful for testing purposes or for scenarios that require short-term alterations. Temporary hostname changes do not persist beyond a system reboot, making them ideal for non-permanent adjustments. This section will walk you through the process using the hostname command, and provide best practices and cautionary notes.

To change the hostname temporarily, you can use the hostname command followed by the desired hostname. For instance, to change the hostname to “temp-hostname,” you would use the following command:

sudo hostname temp-hostname

After executing this command, the system will immediately adopt the new hostname. To verify that the hostname has been successfully changed, you can use the hostname command without any arguments:


This command will display the current hostname, confirming whether the change has been applied. Despite the change being effective immediately, it’s important to remember that this modification will not survive a reboot. Once the system restarts, it will revert to the hostname set in the system’s configuration files.

When changing the hostname temporarily, there are a few best practices to follow. It is advisable to use a hostname that is easily recognizable and relevant to its temporary nature. Avoid using hostnames that could potentially conflict with existing network settings or confuse network administrators. Additionally, be cautious when making temporary changes on production systems, as this could disrupt network services or dependencies that rely on a consistent hostname.

In summary, temporary hostname changes are a valuable tool for testing and short-term adjustments in a Linux environment. By using the hostname command effectively and adhering to best practices, you can ensure a smooth and efficient process without causing unintended disruptions.

Changing the Hostname Permanently

Changing the hostname permanently in a Linux system involves a series of steps tailored to the specific distribution you are using. This guide will cover the procedures for both Debian-based and Red Hat-based systems, ensuring your hostname change persists across reboots.

Debian-based Systems

For Debian-based systems such as Ubuntu, you can use the hostnamectl command or manually edit the /etc/hostname file.

To use hostnamectl, simply open a terminal and type:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname new-hostname

Replace new-hostname with your desired hostname. This command updates the system’s hostname immediately.

Alternatively, you can manually edit the /etc/hostname file. Open it with a text editor:

sudo nano /etc/hostname

Replace the existing hostname with your new hostname and save the file. Then, update the /etc/hosts file to reflect this change:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Find the line starting with and change the old hostname to your new one. Save and close the file.

Red Hat-based Systems

In Red Hat-based distributions like CentOS or Fedora, you can use the nmtui utility or manually edit the necessary configuration files.

To use nmtui, open a terminal and type:

sudo nmtui

Select “Set system hostname,” enter your new hostname, and confirm the changes.

For a manual approach, open the /etc/hostname file with a text editor:

sudo nano /etc/hostname

Change the existing hostname to your new hostname. Then, update the /etc/hosts file:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Locate the line with or and update the hostname accordingly.

Updating the /etc/hosts File

Updating the /etc/hosts file is crucial as it links your hostname with the system’s IP address. Failure to do so can result in network issues and services failing to start properly. Ensure that all instances of the old hostname are replaced with the new one.

Troubleshooting Tips

Common pitfalls include forgetting to update the /etc/hosts file, which can lead to unresolved hostname issues. If you encounter problems, verify that the hostname has been correctly updated in both /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts. Additionally, a system reboot can help apply changes fully.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Linux system’s hostname is changed permanently across reboots, maintaining system consistency and network functionality.

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