Ways to Check MySQL Version on Linux Systems

12 Min Read

How to Check MySQL Version on Linux Systems

When working with MySQL on Linux systems such as Ubuntu, AlmaLinux, or any other distribution, it’s essential to know how to check MySQL version installed. Whether you’re a system administrator, developer, or database user, having this information can be crucial for ensuring compatibility, security, and performance.

Using Command Line to Check MySQL Version

One of the most straightforward ways to check the MySQL version on a Linux system is by using the command line. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the Terminal: Launch the terminal or access the command line interface on your Linux system.
  2. Log in to MySQL: Use the following command to log in to MySQL as a user with the necessary privileges (replace ‘username’ with your actual username):
mysql -u username -p
  1. Enter the Password: You will be prompted to enter the password for the MySQL user.
  2. Check the Version: Once logged in, you can execute the following SQL query to check the version of MySQL:
  1. View the Version: After running the query, the version of MySQL installed on your system will be displayed in the result.
  2. Exit MySQL: You can exit the MySQL command line interface by typing:

Using Package Management Tools

Another approach to determining the MySQL version on your Linux system is by utilizing package management tools. The specific tool to use may depend on the Linux distribution you are using.

mysql -V

For Ubuntu, you can use the apt package manager to check the installed MySQL version:

sudo apt-cache show mysql-server

For AlmaLinux or other Red Hat-based distributions, you can use the yum package manager:

yum list installed | grep mysql-server

Running these commands will display the installed MySQL server package along with its version.

Checking MySQL Version File

MySQL also stores its version information in a file within the system. You can locate this file and view its contents to find the MySQL version.

On most Linux systems, the MySQL version file is located at:


You can use commands like cat or less to read the contents of this file and retrieve the MySQL version information.


Being able to check the MySQL version on your Linux system is an essential task for anyone working with databases. Whether you prefer using the command line, package management tools, or directly accessing the version file, knowing the MySQL version provides valuable insight into the environment you are working with.

By following the methods outlined above, you can accurately and efficiently determine the MySQL version installed on your Linux system, enabling you to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions based on this information.

Checking MySQL Version in Configuration Files

In addition to the command-line and package management approaches, you can also check the MySQL version by inspecting the configuration files. The location and naming conventions of these files may vary depending on your Linux distribution, but the general process is as follows:

  1. Locate the MySQL Configuration File: The MySQL configuration file is typically named my.cnf or my.ini and is usually located in one of the following directories:
    • /etc/mysql/
    • /etc/
    • /usr/local/etc/
  2. Open the Configuration File: Use a text editor to open the MySQL configuration file.
  3. Locate the Version Information: In the configuration file, look for a section that contains the MySQL version information. This is often denoted by a line similar to:
    # MySQL version: 8.0.27
  4. Note the Version Number: The version number will be displayed after the colon in the version information line.

By checking the MySQL configuration file, you can quickly determine the version of MySQL installed on your Linux system, even if you don’t have direct access to the command line or the MySQL client.

Checking MySQL Version in System Logs

Another way to check the MySQL version on your Linux system is by examining the system logs. MySQL typically records version information in the log files, which can be helpful in situations where you need to troubleshoot or investigate issues related to the MySQL installation.

To check the MySQL version in the system logs, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the MySQL Log Files: The location of the MySQL log files may vary depending on your Linux distribution, but they are often found in the following directories:
    • /var/log/mysql/
    • /var/log/
    • /usr/local/var/log/mysql/
  2. Open the Log Files: Use a text editor or a log viewing tool (e.g., tail, less) to open the MySQL log files.
  3. Search for Version Information: Scan the log files for lines that contain the MySQL version information. This may be in the form of a message like:
    2023-04-25 12:34:56 [Note] mysqld (mysqld 8.0.27) starting as process 12345...
  4. Identify the Version Number: The version number will be displayed in the log message, typically after the mysqld string.

Checking the MySQL version in the system logs can be helpful in situations where you need to verify the version information or investigate any version-related issues that may be recorded in the logs.

Automating Version Checks with Scripts

If you need to regularly check the MySQL version on your Linux system, you can automate the process by creating a script. This can be particularly useful for system administrators or developers who need to quickly assess the MySQL version across multiple servers or in deployment pipelines.

Here’s an example Bash script that checks the MySQL version using the command-line approach:

#!/bin/bash# Check MySQL version using the mysql command
version=$(mysql -u root -p -e "SELECT VERSION();" | awk '/VERSION/{print $2}')echo "MySQL version: $version"

To use this script, save it to a file (e.g., check_mysql_version.sh), make it executable with chmod +x check_mysql_version.sh, and then run it with ./check_mysql_version.sh.

You can further enhance the script to include error handling, logging, or integration with other tools and systems to suit your specific needs.

Checking MySQL Version with Third-Party Tools

In addition to the native Linux and MySQL tools, there are also third-party tools and utilities that can help you check the MySQL version on your system. These tools may provide additional features or a more user-friendly interface for managing MySQL-related tasks.

Here are a few examples of third-party tools you can use to check the MySQL version:

1. MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is a comprehensive visual tool for MySQL database management. It provides a graphical interface for managing MySQL instances, including the ability to check the MySQL version. To check the version using MySQL Workbench:

  1. Open MySQL Workbench and connect to your MySQL server.
  2. In the top-left corner, you’ll see the version information for the connected MySQL instance.

2. phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin is a popular web-based tool for managing MySQL databases. It also allows you to check the MySQL version from within the web interface. To check the version using phpMyAdmin:

  1. Launch the phpMyAdmin web application and log in to your MySQL server.
  2. In the top-right corner, you’ll find the MySQL version information.

3. Adminer

Adminer is another web-based database management tool that supports MySQL and other database systems. To check the MySQL version using Adminer:

  1. Access the Adminer web interface and connect to your MySQL server.
  2. Look for the MySQL version information, which is typically displayed in the top-right corner or the footer of the Adminer interface.

These third-party tools can be useful if you prefer a graphical or web-based approach to managing your MySQL environment, as they often provide additional functionality beyond just checking the MySQL version.

Comparing MySQL Versions

Knowing the MySQL version installed on your Linux system is not only important for basic information, but it can also be crucial when it comes to compatibility, features, and security considerations. It’s often necessary to compare the MySQL version on your system with the latest available version or with the requirements of a specific application or software you’re using.

Here are a few reasons why comparing MySQL versions can be important:

1. Compatibility

Different versions of MySQL may have varying levels of compatibility with certain applications, libraries, or other software components. By comparing the MySQL version on your system with the requirements of the software you’re using, you can ensure that everything will work together seamlessly.

2. Feature Support

MySQL versions introduce new features and functionality over time. By comparing the version on your system with the latest release, you can determine if you’re missing out on important new capabilities that could benefit your workflows or applications.

3. Security Considerations

MySQL, like any software, can have security vulnerabilities that are addressed in newer versions. Comparing the MySQL version on your system with the latest stable release can help you identify potential security risks and plan for upgrades or patches.

To compare MySQL versions, you can use various resources, such as the official MySQL documentation, release notes, or online version comparison tools. By understanding the differences between your MySQL version and the latest or recommended version, you can make informed decisions about upgrades, compatibility, and security measures for your Linux system.


Checking the MySQL version on your Linux system is a critical task for system administrators, developers, and database users. In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored several methods to determine the MySQL version, including using command-line tools, package management utilities, configuration files, system logs, and even third-party applications.

By understanding the various approaches to checking the MySQL version, you can quickly and easily assess the version information on your Linux systems, whether it’s a single server or a complex infrastructure. This knowledge can then be used to ensure compatibility, leverage new features, and maintain the security of your MySQL-based applications and services.

Remember, staying up-to-date with the latest MySQL versions and understanding the differences between versions can help you make informed decisions and maintain a robust and secure MySQL environment on your Linux systems.

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